Friday, March 22, 2013

Mindfulness: Youth Voices

Dear Friends,
I am delighted to announce that the Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre (Vancouver, BC, Canada) has published the video, “Mindfulness: Youth Voices.”
“Mindfulness: Youth Voices” is a three-minute short film directly geared to youth, to address questions such as, “What is mindfulness?  Why would I be interested in it?”  The highlight of the film is the youth sharing, in their own words, how mindfulness practice has changed their lives.  The video can be viewed for free on the Kelty website, and I encourage you all to share it with the youth that you work with.
Special thank you to Michelle Horn and Hing Tse at the Kelty Centre -- and most of all, to the youth who shared their wisdom and experience with us!& nbsp;
Dzung X. Vo, MD, FAAP
Assistant Clinica l Professor, Adolescent Health and Medicine
Director, Adolescent Medicine Fellowship Program
BC Children's Hospital | University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada